12th Science Stream Short Long Question

12th Board Exam Physics Short Long Type VVI Guess Question Inter Physics top 30 Short Question

Class 12th Board Exam Physics Most VVI Short Type VVI Guess Question for Board Exam | 12th Board Exam Physics Question Short & Long Type Question With Answer, 12th Physics Most VVI Subjective Short Long Type Question इन्टर परीक्षा भौतिक विज्ञान लघु दीर्घ उत्तरीय प्रशन

Short + Long Question (लघु और दीर्घ उत्तरीय प्रशन)

1. Define electrical flux. Write its SI unit. विद्युत फ्लक्स को परिभाषित करें। इसके SI मात्रक को लिखें।

2. What is a Lorentz force? लॉरेंट्ज बल क्या है?

3. What is shunt? Write two uses of it. शंट क्या है? इसके दो उपयोग लिखें।

4. Lange’s law of electro-magnetic induction follows the principle of conservation of energy. Discuss it. विद्युत-चुंबकीय प्रेरण का लेंज का नियम, ऊर्जा के संरक्षण के सिद्धांत का पालन करता है। इसकी विवेचना करें।

5. Write two properties of electromagnetic wave. विद्युत-चुंबकीय तरंग के दो गुणों को लिखें।

6. Give the definition of electrical flux on a surface. किसी सतह पर विद्युत फ्लक्स की परिभाषा दें।

7. The atmosphere is not electrically neutral, why? वायुमंडल वैद्युत उदासीन नहीं होता है, क्यों ?

8. What do you understand by superconductivity? अतिचालकता से क्या समझते हैं ?

9. What are magnetic field lines? Write its two properties. चुम्बकीय क्षेत्र रेखाएँ क्या है ? इसके दो गुणों को लिखें।

10. What do you understand by quantification of charge? आवेश के क्वांटीकरण से क्या समझते हैं ?

11. What do we mean by iron-magnetized material? Write down its properties. लौह-चुम्बकीय पदार्थ से क्या समझते हैं ? इसके गुणों को लिखें।

12. What do we understand by Curie’s law? क्यूरी के नियम से क्या समझते हैं?

13. Write two properties and two uses of ultraviolet radiation. पराबैंगनी विकिरण के दो गुणों एवं दो उपयोगों को लिखें।

14. What is optical fiber? Write down its two uses. ऑप्टिकल फाइबर क्या है ? इसके दो उपयोगों को लिखें।

15. What do you understand by refractive index? अपवर्तनांक से क्या समझते हैं ?

16. What is Photo electric effect? प्रकाश विद्युत प्रभाव क्या है ?

17. Write the quantum theory of radiation. विकिरण के क्वांटम सिद्धांत को लिखें।

18. What is nuclear force? Write down its properties. नाभिकीय बल क्या है? इसके गुणों को लिखें।

19.What is cathode rays? Explain कैथोड किरणें क्या है? समझावें।

20. What do you understand by analog and digital signal? ऐनालॉग और डिजिटल संकेत से क्या समझते हैं ?

21. Write a note: – नोट लिखें:-

(a) www

(b) FAX

(c) Chat

(d) E-Commerce (ई-कॉमर्स)

22. What do you understand by capacitor? Also tell about its capacity. संधारित्र से क्या समझते हैं ? इसकी धारिता को भी बतावें ।

23. What is electromagnetic induction? विद्युत चुम्बकीय प्रेरण क्या है ?

24. What is the reason for Earth’s magnetism? पृथ्वी के चुम्बकत्व का क्या कारण है ?

25. What is electric dipole moment? Write its S.I unit. विद्युतीय द्विधुव आघूर्ण क्या है? इसका S.I मात्रक को लिखें।

26. Explain the difference between self-motivation and interaction. स्वप्रेरण एवं अन्योन्य प्रेरण में अंतर स्पष्ट करें।

27. Explain that Kirchhoff’s second law is the law of conservation of energy, समझावें कि किरचॉफ का द्वितीय नियम ऊर्जा संरक्षण का नियम है.

28. Explain the difference between a permanent magnet and an electromagnet. स्थायी चुम्बक एवं विद्युत चुम्बक में अंतर स्पष्ट करें।

29. What are magnetic field lines? Write its two properties. चुम्बकीय क्षेत्र रेखाएँ क्या है ? इसके दो गुणों को लिखें।

30. Explain the origin of x ray and write its properties.  x किरण के उत्पत्ति को बताएँ एवं इसके गुणों को लिखें।

31. Write down the properties and uses of laser light. लेसर प्रकाश के गुणों एवं उपयोगों को लिखें।

32. What is a nuclear reactor? Give it two uses. नाभिकीय रिएक्टर क्या है? इसके दो उपयोग दें।

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1. Define electrical flux. Write its SI unit.

Answer ⇒ The number of total legitimate force lines perpendicular to a surface in an electric field is called ‘legitimate flux’.

It is communicated by Φ (fi).

Φ = [E • ds

E = electric field,

ds = small surface area

⇒ Its S.I. The unit is N-m2c-1.

2. What is Lorentz force’?

Answer ⇒ If the motion of a charged particle (q) in a magnetic field (B vector). If, the electromagnetic force on the particle performs both functions. These two forces are collectively called the ‘Lorentz force’.

⇒ F = q [E + V x B]

3. What is shunt? Write two uses of it.

Answer ⇒ The device that produces a path of low resistance for the transmission of electric current in an electric circuit is called a shunt.


(i) It is used in making ammeter from galvanometer.

(ii) It is used to protect galvanometer and ammeter from strong electric current.

4. Lange’s law of electromagnetic induction follows the principle of conservation of energy. Discuss it.

Answer ⇒ When the magnet is moved near a loop or away from the loop, an electric current is induced in the loop. Therefore, the reason for the current induced by Lange’s law is the change of mechanical energy into electrical energy. The principle of energy conservation is the conversion of one (mechanical) energy to another (electrical) energy. Thus Lange’s law of electromagnetic induction follows the principle of energy conservation.

5. Write two properties of electromagnetic wave.

Answer ⇒ The following are two properties of electromagnetic waves

(i) These waves are transverse.

(ii) The medium is not required for the movement of these waves.

6. Give the definition of electrical flux on a surface.

Answer ⇒ Electrical flux is the rate of flow of electric field from a surface. That is, the electrical flux is proportional to the electric field lines passing through a surface.

7. The atmosphere is not electrically neutral, why?

Answer ⇒ The atmosphere mainly consists of nitrogen and oxygen gas and in addition there are carbon dioxide, water vapor, hydrocarbons, sulfur compounds and dust. The sun’s rays contain compound particles and dust particles. The rays of the sun collide with compound particles and dust particles and ionize them. Therefore, the atmosphere is not electrically neutral.

8. What do you understand by superconductivity?

Answer ⇒ There are some substances whose resistivity decreases regularly like a metal at decreasing temperature and at a temperature its resistivity decreases to zero suddenly. This phenomenon is called superconductivity and such a substance is called superconductivity.

9. What are magnetic field lines? Write its two properties.

Answer ⇒ Magnetic Field Lines – The magnetic field lines in the magnetic field are the corresponding imaginary closed curves that move from the north pole of the magnet to its south pole.

a quality:-

(i) The magnetic field lines never intersect.

(ii) The tangent drawn at a point of the magnetic field line represents the direction of the magnetic field at that point.

10. What do you understand by quantification of charge?

Answer ⇒ Quarantine of Charge – The charge on a charged object is always the absolute multiple of the electronic charge.

That is, charge on an object

Q = ± ne

Where e = electronic charge = 1.6 x 10–19 coulomb. This is called quantization of charge.

11. What do we mean by iron-magnetized material? Write down its properties.

Answer ⇒ Iron-magnetized materials – There are some substances which have a positive tendency and when placed in the magnetic field, the properties of the magnets are easily absorbed and they become powerful magnets. These substances are called ferromagnetic materials.

Examples: Iron, Nickel, Cobalt etc.

a quality:

(i) Iron magnetic materials found in nature are solid solids.

(ii) Magnetic field attraction is very strong.

(iii) Their relative magnetization is much higher than the unit.

(iv) Their magnetic tendency is positive and very large.

(v) Their magnetic tendency changes irregularly and complexly due to heat rise.

12. What do we understand by Curie’s law?

Answer ⇒ It is found that the magnetic tendency of a magnetic material is inversely proportional to temperature ie

Xm ∝ 1 / T → This is called ‘Curie’s law’.

13. Write two properties and two uses of ultraviolet radiation.

Answer ⇒ Two properties and two uses of ultraviolet radiation

a quality:

(i) These rays are absorbed by glass.

(ii) Ionizes the molecules and atoms of the atmosphere, which causes the formation of ion circles. is


(i) They are used to identify invisible handwriting and precious stones.

(ii) They are used in the preservation of substances.

14. What is optical fiber? Write down its two uses.

Answer ⇒ Optical fiber is a device that induces light energy from one place to another without loss in intensity. It is based on the principle of complete internal reflection of light.

Its two uses:

(i) Optical fiber is used in medical examination.

(ii) It is used in sending light from one place to another.

15. What do you understand by refractive index?

Answer ⇒ Refractive index is a constant, With the help of which information about the optical behavior of any medium is obtained. The refractive index of a medium depends on the following two factors

(i) The refractive index of the medium depends on the density of the medium.

(ii) The refractive index of any medium depends on the wavelength of the light, as well as the color of the light.

16. What is light electrical effect?

Answer ⇒ Photoelectric effect → The phenomenon of emission of electrons due to incident light from metal surface is called photoelectric effect. The electrons emitted by light are called photo electrons and the current generated due to their flow is called light electric current.

17. Write the quantum theory of radiation.

Answer ⇒ Quantum theory of radiation → According to Planck’s quantum theory “Light moves in the form of small bundles of energy, called photons.

And the energy of each photon is E = hv, where h = constant of planck and ν = frequency

This is the quantum theory of radiation.

18. What is nuclear force? Write down its properties.

Answer ⇒ Nuclear force – The strong attraction between the particles present in the nucleus is called the nuclear force which binds them to each other.

a quality:

(i) Nuclear forces are attraction forces.

(ii) Nuclear forces are very small parasitic forces.

(iii) Nuclear forces are non-electronegative and inductive.

(iv) Nuclear forces are very strong.

19. What is cathode rays? Explain

Answer ⇒ Cathode rays → Cathode rays are the fast current of many electrons present in all elements.

a quality:

(i) These loans are charged.

(ii) Their quantity and charge are equal to electrons i.e. their charge is 1.6 x 10-19 C and 9.1 x10-31 kg.

20. What do you understand by analog and digital signal?

Answer ⇒ Analog hint → A continuously changing signal is called ana-log signal.

Like – alternating current is an analog signal.

Digital signal – A signal with only possible values ​​of multiples of two or two is called a digital signal.

Like – square wave is a digital signal.

21. Write a note: –

(a) www

(b) FAX

(c) Chat

(d) E-Commerce

Answer ⇒ (a) www — it is short for World Wide Web. Computers that store certain information within themselves to share with others or provide a website by themselves or by web service providers.

(b) FAX – Electronic reproduction of a document or picture at a remote location by digital communication system is called ‘Fascimile telegraphy’ or fax (FAX).

(c) Chat – Chat is called conversation by messages of people of similar interest.

(d) E-commerce → Promoting business using the Internet using a credit card using electronic means is called e-commerce.

22. What do you understand by capacitor? Also tell about its capacity.

Answer ⇒ Capacitor-like arrangement in which by holding a grounded conductor near an insulated charged driver, the capacitance of the former conductor is artificially increased. The capacitor is called.

¤ Capacitance of a capacitor The capacitance of a capacitor is numerically the magnitude of the charge from which the capacitance difference between the two plates of the capacitor is generated.

If V potential difference between the two plates is generated when ‘Q’ charge is applied to the collector plate of the capacitor, then capacitance (C) = Q / V of the capacitor

23. What is electromagnetic induction?

Answer ⇒ The phenomenon of induced electric current in a coil due to the relative motion between a closed coil and a magnet is called electromagnetic induction.

The electric carrying force generated in the coil is called the induced electric carrying force and the current generated is the induced current.

24. What is the reason for Earth’s magnetism?

Answer ⇒ Several theories have been proposed regarding the Earth’s magnetism. Somehow, it is now believed that the reason for the Earth’s magnetic field is the electric currents circulating within it. The magnetic field is treated as if it is generated by some kind of electric current.

25. What is electric dipole moment? Write its S.I unit.

Answer ⇒ One charge of electric dipole and the product of the distance between the two charges is called dipole moment.

Hence, dipole moment (P) = q x 2l

Electric dipole moment is a vector amount whose direction is always from negative charge to positive charge. Its S.I. The unit is a coulomb-meter.

26. Explain the difference between self-motivation and interaction.

Answer ⇒ Changing the current flowing through a coil is the phenomenon of induced electric carrying force and induced electric current in the same coil itself.

Whereas the occurrence of induced electric carrying force in the second coil due to change of current in one coil is called reciprocal induction.

27. Explain that Kirchhoff’s second law is the law of conservation of energy

Answer ⇒ Kirchhoff’s second law is based on the principle of energy conservation. We know that the voltage (voltage) is defined by the energy per charge charge. Therefore, the increase in energy per charge is equal to the energy consumed per charge. That is, the value of the voltage charged in a closed circuit is equal to the differential difference of all resistors. And also the charged difference is always equal to the consumed voltage.

Therefore, this rule is based on the principle of energy conservation.

28. Explain the difference between a permanent magnet and an electromagnet.

Answer ⇒ Permanent magnets → Magnets that maintain their magnetization for a long time at room temperature are called permanent magnets. The durability and absorbency of iron magnet materials suitable for permanent magnets should be high.

Electromagnets → Electromagnets are made of such iron magnetized materials whose magnetization is very high and very low magnetic conductivity.

The core of the soft iron core is called electromagnet.

29. What are magnetic field lines? Write its two properties.

Answer ⇒ Magnetic field lines → The magnetic field lines in the magnetic field are the corresponding imaginary closed curves that go from the north pole of the magnet to its south pole.

a quality:

(i) The magnetic field lines never intersect.

(ii) The tangent drawn at a point of the magnetic field line represents the direction of the magnetic field at that point.

30. Explain the origin of x ray and write its properties.

Answer ⇒ A ‘x’ ray is produced when the electron is suddenly dimmed while moving at high speed and the energy changes in the order of transition of the atomic orbital electron.

a quality:

(i) The carrying capacity of ‘x’ ray is less than gamma ray.

(ii) Gases are ionized.

Uses: –

(i) The orbits of crystals and their electrons are provided by X rays.

(ii) These rays are used in medical examination, detective department.

31. Write down the properties and uses of laser light.

Answer ⇒ Properties of laser light

(i) Laser light is monochromatic.

(ii) It is very art related.

(iii) It is highly directional.


(i) In making small holes in the diamond,

(ii) in medical science etc.

32. What is a nuclear reactor? Give it two uses.

Answer ⇒ A nuclear reactor is a device in which energy is produced by a controlled chain reaction of nuclear fission.


(i) Radio isotopes of many elements are made by it.

(ii) Electric power is generated by it.

12th Physics Most VVI Subjective Short Long Type Question इन्टर परीक्षा भौतिक विज्ञान लघु दीर्घ उत्तरीय प्रशन in English, 12th Board Exam Physics Short Long Type VVI Guess Question Inter Physics top 30 Short Question

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