12th English 100 Marks

12th Board Exam English 100 Marks Language Paper VVI Objective MCQ Type Question On Latest Pattern

Macavity : The Mystery Cat

1. Macavity : The Mystery Cat is written by …….

(A) Rupert Brooke

(B) T.S. Eliot

(C) Kamala Das

(D) John Donne

Answer:- (B)

2. Macavity is called ………

(A) the Hidden Paw

(B) the Exposed paw 

(C) the Naughty Paw

(D) the Mysterious Paw

Answer:- (A)

3. Macavity is a …….. 

(A) dog

(B) lion

(C) cat

(D) rat

Answer:- (C)

4. The poet compares Macavity to …….. 

(A) Samudragupta

(B) Bismarck

(C) Napolean 

(D) Charles 

Answer:- (C)

5. ……… is from collection called ‘Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats’ Eliot’s.

(A) The Mystery Cat

(B) Song of Myself

(C) The Soldier

(D) None of these 

Answer:- (A)

6. Macavity is the pet cat of ……

(A) T.S. Eliot 

(B) D.H. Lawrence

(C) Walt Whitman

(D) None of these

Answer:- (A)

7. ……… is a ginger cat.

(A) Macavity 

(B) Pacavity

(C) Ramavity 

(D) None of these 

Answer:- (A)

8. Macavity is full of …..

(A) happiness 

(B) sadness

(C) deceitfulness

(D) None of these

Answer:- (C)

9. Who finds Macavity lazy and half asleep? 

(A) T.S. Eliot 

(B) D.H. Lawrence

(C) Kamala Das

(D) None of these

Answer:- (A)

👉 Which one of the following is an Essay / a Short story / a Speech / a comedy (play)?

(i) Indian Civilization and Culture is an essay.

(ii) Bharat is My Home is a speech.

(iii) A Pinch of Snuff is a short story.

(iv) I Have a Dream is a speech. 

(v) The Artist is a short story,

(vi) A Child is Born is an essay.

(vii) How free is the press is an essay.

(viii) The Earth is a short story. 

(ix) India Through a Traveller’s Eyes is an essay. 

(x) A Marriage Proposal is a comedy (play). 

Bihar Board 12th English VVI Objective Question Song Of Myself Chapter

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12th English 100 Marks Objective & Subjective VVI Question 2021,12th Board English 100 Marks VVI Question, 2021 12th Exam English Question, Bharat is My Home VVI Objective Question 12th Board Exam English 100 Marks

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