12th English 50 Marks

बिहार बोर्ड इंटर 12वीं परीक्षा 2020 50 मार्क्स English (अंग्रेजी) ‘On Letter Writing’ चैप्टर ऑब्जेक्टिव प्रशन उत्तर लेटेस्ट पैटर्न पर

Bihar Board 12th 50 Marks English On Letter Writting Chapter VVI Objective Question

1. A. G. Gardiner has written

(a) Good Manners

(b) Our own civilization

(c) On Letter writing

(d) Forgetting  

2. ‘On Letter writing’ has been adapted from 

(a) Prose and poetry

(b) words and ideas

(c) Forgetting

(d) none of these

3. Importance of letter writing has been focussed in the chapter

(a) our own civilization

(b) On letter writing

(c) forgetting 

(d) none of these 

4. Bill and Sam are

(a) Soldiers 

(b) Players

(c) Travellers

(d) None of these

5. What is considered as lost art 

(a) letter writing 

(b) playing

(c) travelling 

(d) none of these

6. Horace walpole, Byron, Lamb and the Carlyles are famous for their

(a) immortal letters

(b) speeches

(c) artistry 

(d) none of these 

7. What has been killed by the penny post and modern hurry? 

(a) travelling 

(b) letter writing

(c) driving 

(d) none of these

8.  The telegraph, the telephone and the type writer have completed the destruction of the art of

(a) letter writing

 (b) playing

(c) listening music

(d) none of these  

 9. ‘On Letter writing’ has been adapted from 

(A) Prose and poetry 

(B) Words and Idias

(C) Forgetting 

(D) None of these

10. Importance of letter writing has been focussed in the chapter

(A) Our own civilization

(B) On letter writing

(C) Forgetting 

(D) None of these

11. Bill and Sam are

(A) Soldiers 

(B) Players

(C) Travellers 

(D) None of these

12. “I write to you because I have nothing to do. I finish because I have nothing to say” is a statement by

(A) Horace walpole

(B) Robert Lynd

(C) Keats 

(D) None of these

13. What is considered as lost art

(A) Letter writing

(B) Playing

(C) Travelling

(D) None of these

14. Horace Walpole, Byron, Lamb and the Carlyles are famous for their

(A) immortal letters

(B) Speeches

(C) artistry 

(D) None of these

15. What has been killed by the penny post and modern hurry

(A) Travelling 

(B) Letter writing

(C) Driving 

(D) None of these

16.  ‘On Letter Writing’ is written by ……. 

(A) J.C. Hill 

(B) A.G. Gardiner

(C)C.E.M. Joad 

(D) R. Lynd

17. Keats is supposed to be a master of 

(A) Letter writing 

(B) Eloution

(C) Fighting wars

(D) None of these 

18. The telegraph, the telephone and the type writer have completed the destruction of the art of

(A) letter writing

(B) playing 

(C) listening music

(D) None of these

19. Sam and Bill are the chief characters in the chapter of 

(A) Forgetting 

(B) On Letter writing

(C) Robin 

(D) None of these 

20. ‘On Letter-Writing’ is written by ………… 

(A) Robert Lynd 

(B) J.C. Hill

(C) A.G. Gardiner

(D) Jim Corbett

21. Letters written by Cowper, Horace Walpole. Byron, Lamb and Carlyle could be called as …………… 

(A) mortal

(B) immortal

(C) red-letter

(D) historic

22. The two soldiers looked like …………. 

(A) cousins

(B) foreigners

(C) local persons

(D) brothers

23. No doubt, letter writting is nowadays a .

(A) useful thing 

(B) lost art

(C) museum piece

(D) common

24. ……….. Was the victim of cold. 

(A) Aunt Jane

(B) Sam

(C) Billi 

(D) Jim 

25. ………… told Bill not to forget to write a letter.

(A) Sam

(B) Jam

(C) Aunt Jane 

(D) Uncle Jane

26. Sam said ………. ‘It’s a read job’ ? 

(A) ruefully

(B) happily

(C) boldly

(D) nicely

27. The dalesmen of Lakeland, a century ago used to dodge …………..

(A) the postal charge 

(B) the fruit seller

(C) the flute seller 

(D) the spies

28. One should be ……….. and not abstract while writing a letter.

(A) careful 

(B) common place

(C) personal 

(D) easygoing

29. ………… post and ………… hurry has made letter-writing a lost art.

(A) easy, new 

(B) good, very

(C) penny, modern

(D) quick, ultimate

30. You can ………… fish if you put self over it. 

(A) expense

(B) preserve

(C) retreat

(D) recipe

31. He was ……… because I didn’t write to him. 

(A) pleased

(B) preserve

(C) offened

(D) elaborate

32. He ………… that the had stolen the watch. 

(A) offended 

(B) confessed

(C) wanted 

(D) prayed

33. Will they ……….. cost of the postage ? 

(A) dear

(B) bear

(C) tear

(D) notice

34. ‘Good Manners’ is written by

(A) Jim Corbett 

(B) Robet Lynd

(C) A.G. Gardiner

(D) J. C. Hill

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