12th English 50 Marks

बिहार बोर्ड इंटर 12वीं परीक्षा 2020 50 मार्क्स English (अंग्रेजी) ‘Our Own Civilization’ चैप्टर ऑब्जेक्टिव प्रशन उत्तर लेटेस्ट पैटर्न पर

Bihar Board 12th 50 Marks English Our Own Civilazation Chapter VVI Objective Question

1. Our Own Civilization is written by ……….. 

(A) Jim Corbett

(B) C:E:M Joad 

(C) A. G. Gardiner

(D) R. Lynd

2. Modern men completely depend upon ………. 

(A) mobile

(B) science

(C) machines 

(D) electricity

3. The telegrams are sent by 

(A) water-power 

(B) mobile

(C) electric 

(D) electric signals

4. Cranes and lifts are ……… to do the job of lifting. 

(A) ways 

(B) concerns

(C) extra arms 

(D) energies

5. Previous civilization were specialised and ……..

(A) ingenious 

(B) enormous

(C) limited 

(D) leading

6. Chief hope for preventing war………. 

(A) justice 

(B) literature

(C) world government

(D) civilization

7. The machines, helpful to man work by 

(A) petrol

(B) steam

(C) power

(D) force

8. Greatest danger from political divisions 

(A) riot 

(B) misuse of power

(C) war 

(D) accidents

9. Machines are good………… but bad master. 

(A) friend 

(B) servant

(C) help 

(D) necessities

10. Man invented machines ……….. 

 (A) to become lazy

(B) to save time and energy. 

(C) to become kings

(D) to destroy the world

11. The write of Our Own Civilization’ lived in … 

(A) Paris 

(B) London

(C) Los Angels 

(D) Dubai

12. An alarm clock is a quite ……….. machine. 

(A) simple 

(B) big

(C) small 

(D) complicated

13. The author’s dining-room is heated by 

(A) burning of woods

(B) burning.of coals

(C) gas-fire 

(D) waste paper

14. Earlier Civilization were like ……….. in the surrounding 

desert of savagery. 

(A) distinct

(B) oasis

(C) desert

(D) ponde

15. Nowadays, our world is becoming a ……….. place. 

(A) separated 

(B) single

(C) multiple 

(D) limited 

(b) France

16. C. E. M. Joad was an inhabitant of

(a) Russia

(b) France

(c) London 

(d) Germany

17. Man has invented machines to save 

(a) Time and energy 

(b) pleasure

(c) labour 

(d) boredom

18. In disputes between man and man right has taken the place of 

(a) flight

(b) fight

(c) might

(d) night 

19. What is as necessary as to our civilization as the air ? 

(a) mankind

(b) safety

(c) science 

(d) environment

20.  ……….. is a great achievement of today life. 

(a) fear of non-violence

(b) satyagraha

(c) theft 

(d) violenc

21. The world has become a single whole, a unity due to

(a) communication

(b) wars 

(c) revolutions

(d) religion 

22.  Russia and the Nations of Eastern Europe were called 

(a) Eastern Block

(b) Western Block 

(c) North Block

(d) Central Block 

23. Machines save our 

(a) time 

(b) money

(c) comforts 

(d) none of these 

24. “Our own civilization” has been adapted from 

(a) Prose with a purpose

(b) forgetting

(c) On letter writing

(d) none of these

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