12th English 50 Marks

बिहार बोर्ड इंटर 12वीं परीक्षा 2020 50 मार्क्स English (अंग्रेजी) ‘With The Photographer’ चैप्टर ऑब्जेक्टिव प्रशन उत्तर लेटेस्ट पैटर्न पर

Bihar Board Inter Exam 50 Marks English With The Photographer Chapter VVI Objective Question

1. ‘With the Photographer’ is written by ………… 

(A) Robert Lynd 

(B) Jim Corbert

(C) ‘Stephen Leacock’

(D) J.C. Hill

2. The photographer was a thin man in a ………… suit. 

(A) pink

(B) blue

(C) red

(D) grey

3. The author wanted a ………… copy of his face. 

(A) true

(B) simple

(C) faithful

(D) special

4. The author was called to let see a proof of his photograph  on 

(A) Saturday

(B) Monday

(C) Thursday

(D) Sunday

5. The purpose of the photograph was…….. 

(A) fulfilled

(B) complete

(C) wasted

(D) not done

6. The photographer by retourching, made the author’s mouth ………. quarters full

(A) one


(C) three

(D) four

7. The photographer wanted to remove the author’s ………… 

(A) nose

(B) ear

(C) eyes

(D) lips

8. The photographer’s studio was…………. 

(A) very good 

(B) very bad

(C) not properly arranged

(D) properly arrnged

9. The photograph’s looks were ……….. 

(A) hot

(B) unseen

(C) frantic

(D) cold

10. The photographer commented the author’s face as I 

(A) not right 

(B) quite wrong

(C) complete right

(D) handsome

11. You ought to filter that water …………. a cloth. 


(B) into

(C) with

(D) of

12. He is reconciling himself ………… a lower salary. 

(A) through

(B) in

(C) to

(D) of

13. The photographer found the author’s mouth …………. .

(A) big

(B) too big


(D) too low

14. The photographer made many ………… remarks regarding one face and features of the author

(A) pleasant 

(B) crude

(C) unpleasant 

(D) coldly

15. The photographer had the author with his .. remarks about the face of the author 

(A) disgusting 

(B) completely

(C) cold 

(D) better 

16. “With the photographer” is written by 

(a) C. E. M. Joad

(b) Stephen Leacock

(c) A. G. Gardener

(d) Robert Lynd 

17. with the photographer has been adapted from 

(a) Echo 

(b) Forgetting

(c) Behind the beyond

(d) Good Manners

18. The photographer made him to wait for

(a) one hour 

(b) two hours

(c) three hours 

(d) none of these

19. The photographer called the writer to see the proof of  his photo his photograph on

(a) Saturday 

(b) Monday 

(c) Sunday 

(d) Tuesday

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