12th English 50 Marks

बिहार बोर्ड इंटर 12वीं परीक्षा 2020 50 मार्क्स English (अंग्रेजी) ‘Good Manners’ चैप्टर ऑब्जेक्टिव प्रशन उत्तर लेटेस्ट पैटर्न पर

Bihar Board 12th Exam 50 Marks English Good Manners Chapter VVI Objective Question

1. ‘Good Manners’ is written by

(A) Jim Corbett 

(B) Robet Lynd

(C) A.G. Gardiner

(D) J. C. Hill

2. The strong and healthy young man used to ignore … 

(A) everyone

(B) women

(C) old and weak peple

(D) Politicians

3. It is a bad manner to say ………… things about someone behind his back.

(A) pleasant 

(B) unpleasant

(C) meaningless 

(D) flowless 

4. Good manners come from having ………… with others. 

(A) love

(B) sympathy

(C) hatred

(D) thrown

5. The young man felt himself on ……….. of life. 

(A) bottom

(B) top

(C) sideways

(D) glory 

6. We are ……….. and………. creatures on earth. 

(A) great, important

(B) humble, small

(C) weak, tired 

(D) strong, willful

7. We should not ………… a joke on the unables.

(A) mock. 

(B) put

(C) crack 

(D) thow

8. The young man could move …………. after recovering from illness.

(A) slowly 

(B) fastly 

(C) as earlier 

(D) confidently

9. The disabled should not be ………… by us. 

(A) hesitated 

(B) mocked

(C) pushed 

(D) helped

10. All of us are ……….. little things in a dangerous world. 

(A) happier

(B) severe

(C) fragile

(D) bitter

11. Don’t call a person a pig, as it is a ………… .

(A) uniform manner

(B) bad manner

(C) complained 

(D) defer

12. You must never ……….. your ………… keep it clean and pressed.

(A) neglect, uniform

(B) attack, defer 

(C) defer, fragile

(D) dislike, manner

13. I should be ……….. if you would turn the light off. 

(A) happy

(B) sad

(C) grateful

(D) quiet

14. The picture of the ……….. proved that people often make  mistakes in their statements. 

(A) man-fight 

(B) bull-fight 

(C) war 

(D) riot 

15. By understanding our own ……….. We will possess good manners.

(A) sympathy 

(B) limitations

(C) helpful 

(D) figure 

16. “Good Manner’ by J. C. Hill has been adapted from

(a) An inroduction to citizenship

(b) Pass away 

(c) Commanding the fate

(d) Punishment 

17. The young man had no consideration for ……….. until we got ill. 

(a) population 

(b) anxiety (c) society 

(d) none of these

18. J. C. Hill wants ……….. to make life easy for elders. 

(a) boys and girls 

(b) adults

(c) people

(d) none of these 

19. It is our responsibility to make ourselves …………. 

(a) understood 

(b) undernine

(c) underemployed

(d) none of these 

20. It is only ……….. people who take remarks too literally. 

(a) stupid 

(b) healthy

(c) wise 

(d) none of these

21. Good manners come from having ……….. with others. 

(a) Sympathy 

(b) limitation

(c) hatred 

(d) none of these

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