12th English 50 Marks

12th Board Exam English 50 Marks ChapterWise Objective Question On Latest pattern, BSEB 12th Board exam VVI Objective Question English Arts Science Commerce, Inter Exam English Important Objective model set question, bihar board 12th exam english ka vvi question

Forgetting Chapter VVI Objective Question


                       – ROBERT LYND

1. ‘Forgetting’ has been written by ……… 

(A) J.C. Hill 

(B) Robert Lynd

(C) A.G. Gardener

(D) Stephen Leacock

 2. Forgetting is predominently found in 

(A) childhood 

(B) adulthood

(C) young age

(D) none of these

 3. Who are supposed to be the most imaginative of men? 

(A) Anglers 

(B) Fighters

(C) Players 

(D) none of these

4. Robert Lynd has described 

(A) Forgetting 

(B) Driving

(C) Playing 

(D) None of these

 5. The commonest from of forgetfulness is 

(A) posting letters

(B) taking medicine

(C) travellin

(D) none of these

6. Absent mindedness is sometimes called 

(A) Virtue 

(B) Vices

(C) remedy 

(D) non of these

7. People forget things because ……… 

(A) it is their habit

(B) they wish to forget 

(C) others make them forget 

(D) they are ill

8. Remembering is not synonymous with 

(A) great intelligence

(B) wisdom 

(C) artistic lifestyle

(D) none of these

 9. Devoid of good memory leads to 

(A) accentric behaviour

(B) joyfulness

(C) intelligence 

(D) none of these 

10. What is required for survival in any great modern city? 

(A) efficient memory

(B) absent mindedness 

(C) forgetting be

(D) none of these 

11. It is the ………… rather than the inefficiency of human memory that compels the author’s wonder.

(A) modesty 

(B) cunningness

(C) efficiency

(D) intelligence

 1 मंगर – (रामवृक्ष बेनीपुरी)
 2 पंच परमेश्वर – (प्रेमचंद
 3 गौरा – (महादेवी वर्मा)
 4 कविवर रवीन्द्रनाथ ठाकुर – (हजारी प्रसाद दिवेदी) 

12. London station published …………. 

(A) the passengers name

(B) delayed trains time table 

(C) lost passengers name

(D) list of articles

13. Commonest of forgetfulness in men…….

 (A) to post a letter

(B) to carry umbrella safely 

(C) to read a letter

(D) to forget pens

14. Most absent minded are……..

(A) farmers 

(B) poets

(C) labourers 

(D) housewives

15. ‘Citizens of dreamland’, who forget things in trains ………

(A) doctors 

(B) sportsmen

(C) officers 

(D) businessmen

16. Writer’s wonder regarding human memory. 

(A) forgetfulness

(B) efficiency

(C) inefficiency 

(D) powerful

17. The writer is sure to forget in trains and taxis ………. 

(A) luggage 

(B) walking sticks

(C) books 

(D) umbrella

18. Who are likely to forget things most in trains ……….. 

(A) old ones 

(B) young ones

(C) men 

(D) children

19. The say, a man, who is perfect remembering machine seldom a man of the first …………

(A) kind 

(B) memory

(C) thought 

(D) intelligence 

20. The commonest from of forgetfulness is 

(a) posting letters

(b) taking medicine

(c) travellin

(d) none of these

 1 Indian Civilization and Culture – (Mahatma Gandhi)
 2 Bharat is My Home – (Dr. Zakir Hussain) 
 3 A Pinch of Snuff – (Manohar Malgaonkar) 

21. Who are supposed to be the most imaginative of men ? 

(a) Anglers die

(b) Fighters

(c) Players 

(d) none of these

22. Absent mindedness is sometimes called

(a) Virtue 

(b) Vices

(c) remedy 

(d) none of these

 23. Devoid of good memory leads to

(a) accentric behaviour

(b) joyfulness

(c) intelligence

(d) none of these

24. People forget things because ……..

(a) it is their habit

 (b) they wish to forget

(c) others make them forget

(d) they are ill 

25. Robert Lynd has described about

(A) Forgetting

(B) Driving

(C) Playing

(D) None of these

26. Absent mindedness is sometimes called

(A) virtue

(B) vices

(C) remedy

(D) None of these

27. Remembering is not synonymous with

(A) great intelligence

(B) wisdom

(C) artistic lifestyle 

(D) None of these

28. Devoid of good memory leads to

(A) acentric behaviour

(B) joyfulness

(C) intelligence 

(D) None of these

29. What is required for survival in any great modern city ?

(A) efficient mémory

(B) absent mindedness

(C) forgetting 

(D) None of these

30. People forget things because …..

(A) it is their habit 

(B) they wish to forget

(C) others make them forget

(D) they are ill

31. The commonest form of forgetfulness is

(A) posting letters 

(B) taking medicine

(C) travelling 

(D) None of these

32. Forgetting is predominently found in

(A) childhood

(B) adulthood

(C) young age

(D) None of these

33. Who are supposed to be the most imaginative of men ?

(A) Anglers

(B) Fighters

(C) Players

(D) None of these


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