12th English Question

The Daffodils Adlestrop The Lake Isle of Chapter Short Notes 12th Exam English

“The Daffodils”

“The Daffodil’s is a beautiful poem by William Wordsworth. The poet was a lover of Nature. He saw a close relation between man and Nature. 

Once the poet was walking along when he came across daffodils. They were countless, ‘ten thousand’. They were “fluttering and dancing”. They were standing in never ending line beside the lake. The poet looked at the dance of the waves too but to him the dance of the daffodils was far superior.

At that time the poet could not make out if such beautiful scene was of any use. But once when the poet was in thoughtful and sad mood, the picture of daffodils flashed on his mind. He forgot all his sorrow. His heart began to dance with the daffodils. The poet mean to say that beautiful scenes of Nature may not give material comforts but it has healing power that removes our sorrow and sadness.

-»» This nice poem “Adlestrop” has been written by Edward Thomas. He was a great poet of England. He was born in London in 1878. He became famous as a poet of English just after his death. He played a very important role in the First World War. He wrote many beautiful poems. But most of his poems were published after his death. He is considered to be a very fine, lucid and sensitive poet. 

Here in this poem the poet expresses his ideas and thoughts beautifully. As a matter of fact this poem has its two sides. The first side is about the train which reaches the Adlestrop station without any place i.e. “unwantedly”. It was an express train. It was the month of late June. The month was full of heat. Here the poet presents the picture of a journey by train. Actually there are references to the activities on the platform “someone cleared his throat”. These are very realistic pictures. 

Secondly, the poem shows a fine sensitiveness to nature, and particularly to rural nature. In this way the poet speaks of ‘willow’, ‘willowherb”, “meadow sweet’ and ‘haycocks’. Then he speaks a ‘blackbird’, ‘birds’ and finally the countryside of Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire. Here the poet beautifully links these two sides in the poem. First, the express-train which stands for speed and motion has lost its motion ‘drew up there unwantedly’.

In the real sense its steam hisses but it is now still. As the matter of fact the poet compares the stiiness of the express train to ‘the stillness of nature in the third stanza ‘still and lonely’. But in the last stanzas the motion which the express-train has lost is now given over to nature. Thus as one blackbird sang its song was picked up quickly by other birds, farther and farther, moving with speech, like an express train.

Thus from one type of physical movement where the train moves and we move physically along with it. We go to another type of physical movement, that is, where the sound moves and we move mentally along with it. 

Thus we can say that the poem wants to show a close relationship between the world of machine and the world of Nature through this poem. 

-»» ‘The Daffodil’s is a beautiful poem by William Wordsworth. The poet was a lover of Nature. He saw a close relation between man and Nature. 

Once the poet was walking along when he came across daffodils. They were countless, ‘ten thousand’. They were “fluttering and dancing”. They were standing in never ending line beside the lake. The poet looked at the dance of the waves too but to him the dance of the daffodils was far superior.

At that time the poet could not make out if such beautiful scene was of any use. But once when the poet was in thoughtful and sad mood, the picture of daffodils flashed on his mind. He forgot all his sorrow. His heart began to dance with the daffodils. The poet mean to say that beautiful scenes of Nature may not give material comforts but it has healing power that removes our sorrow and sadness.

-»» ‘The Lake Isle of Innisfree

 ‘The Lake Isle of Innisfree’ is a poem by W.B. Yeats. In this poem the poet expresses his fascination for the small Island of Innisfree. The poet feel a contant call from Innisfree knocking his heart.

The poet seems to have visited the place on earlier occasion also. The call of BEE Innisfree finds a spontaneous response from the poet. He clearly state that he will find solance in the solitude of the place. He proposes to build a srnall cabin of clay and sticks.

He will enjoy the humming of the bees from their hives. He feels that peace will come dropping as the morning comes from the dropping of veils. He will enjoy the mu sic of the cricket. Morning will give him peace, noon brightness and evening the linnet’s sweet music. The lake water imprisions him by its sweet music and finally he decide to go there.

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